Insurance Portfolio Analysis & Advisory
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Insurance Portfolio Analysis & Advisory
Guidance on international best practice in respect of effective and profitable underwriting and claims management for individually written classes of business
Insurance Portfolio Management can simply be regarded as the strategic management of a collection of contracts to produce profitability and reduce volatility.
Insurers hold, and manage, portfolios that are simply collections of contracts. As in other areas of finance, there are management decision-making choices that occur only at the portfolio level. We assist Insurers in review and analysis of the individual insurance portfolios’ and the impact and requirements with respect to capacity planning, underwriting policies, and balance the mix of products being booked to grow revenue while controlling volatility.

Ground up review of the individual portfolios underwritten within each insurance program in terms, of risk type, class, size, premium generated.
Claims analysis of individual portfolios to identify general loss trends, scale, classification and the financial impact in comparison to retention levels.
Review of general policy terms, conditions and exclusions.
Review of trend of original policy excess/deductible levels across individual portfolios
Review and analysis of purchased reinsurance capacities for individual portfolios and their impact on profitability and volatility.

Contact Us
Unit 2-8, Level 2, Labuan Times Square Jalan Merdeka, 87000 Labuan F.T.